Promotional Material Archive

The story of The Jazz Spot,birthplace of the LADY GOT CHOPS Women's Month Jazz Festival: Once upon a Brooklyn NY Kwanzaa in the New Millenium, a Mother Lillithe Meyers and Daughter Tiecha Merritt sought a venue for a celebration to rent. Immediately upon entry the mother exclainmed "I feel Jazz here" and in time with their hard earned labors they both invested into this wonderful home for Jazz.Some of the artisits who graced their doors were Randy Weston, Gilly Coggins , Ed Stoute, Jeff King,Rafik Williamson and a plethora of other Brooklyn legends. It happened that in time they met Kim Clarke and asked where were the women musicians as they were so pleased with the live music. Kim, a had been performing on bass with the Kit McClure all women big band and knew many.She also was teaching herself a simple form of website building and hoped to help draw attention to the lovely venue .This is where it all began and although the cafe regretfully closed in 2009 the spirit still remains and grows.

LADY GOT CHOPS Women's Month Jazz Festival Calendar Promotion 2003-2007